shai hand

At Panic Tattoo We perform all types of custom tattoos including Cover-Ups, Free Hand, design and decoration and many more...

nero tamir
gold plated titnium barbels piercing for helix flat cunch and tragus

At Panic Tattoo We perform Body Piercing, Body Modification, Scarification art, branding art  and many more...

Video Gallery

You are invited to watch a selection of videos showing the process of our work.

"Panic's" own body piercer since 1998 and is certified by the APP (Association Of Professional Piercers).
Has presented his works at international conferences and seminars in Europe and the US. 

Nir is one of very few body modification artists in the country. 

The purpose of which is 3D design using several methods such as Scarification, Branding and jewelry implants.

Shai has been known for his drawing talent since early childhood. spent all of his life developing this talent to perfection, Shai is well experienced in many forms of visual art such as: wall painting, set design, body painting, graphic design for a variety of businesses and is one of very few car painting improvement and restoration using a unique Air-Brush technique.